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Will Work for Equality
The following is a guest post from the Women and Girls Foundation of Southwest Pennsylvania.
What does it take for a girl to earn a buck around here? About 483 days. Sure, there are only 365 days in the year, but it takes 483 days for women to earn the full dollar men earn in 365. While women in the U.S. make on average 81 cents per dollar compared with their male counterparts, in southwestern PA, we earn closer to 70 cents.
What can you do about it? Join the Women and Girls Foundation at the annual Equal Pay Day Rally on Tuesday, April 28th at Mellon Square from Noon-1 p.m. Make your voice heard and rally with us for change!  Important and exciting announcements regarding the status of the wage gap in Allegheny County will be made by Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and by County Executive Dan Onorato’s office, and we hope you will be there to hear the news!
RSVP to and we’ll reserve a “Will Work for Equality” sign for you. Please pass this along to your friends and networks and invite them to attend!