Earlier, we blogged about reports that Texas rape survivors were being charged for rape kits to collect forensic evidence.
Statements from the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault have clarified the situation and it is now clear that survivors are not being billed for their rape kits. Apparently confusion arose due to a hospital billing error when a survivor was charged for her rape kit. TAASA makes it clear:

We want to assure everyone that the cost of a forensic exam is not billed to the victim. This is always the responsibility of law enforcement and they in turn can be reimbursed for up to $700 [through] the Crime Victim’s Compensation (CVC) fund. If the cost exceeds this amount it is absorbed by the law enforcement agency or hospital, not the victim.

We apologize for any confusion our blog post may have caused and are relieved to know that rape survivors are not being charged for their kits.