Equality Advocates Pennsylvania has brought to our attention some PA state legislators’ intention to introduce a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman, in contrast to other states which are working toward marriage equality:

Across the country this year, there has been very little legislative activity around constitutional amendments like the one proposed in Pennsylvania.  In fact, most legislative activity on the issue has been to pass bills legalizing same-sex marriage.  Vermont and Maine both passed marriage equality laws this spring, and New Hampshire is on the verge of doing the same.

This is an issue being driven by a special interest group that is misleading our elected officials and the public by implying that our legislators have not dealt with this issue. Same-sex marriage is already against the law in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Defense of Marriage Act was enacted in 1996.  Surely, the majority of the members of the Senate realize they have been elected to deal with the real problems Pennsylvanians face.  We urge them to spend their time on more pressing issues.

Indeed, this proposed amendment is nothing but divisive. These legislators are succeeding only in perpetuating discrimination based on sexual orientation, and diverting attention away from House Bill 300, which would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations on the basis of a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression and which the Law Project supports. We hope lawmakers and constituents will not be fooled by these tactics. It is important that we identify this proposed bill for what it is: blatant discrimination.