A new southwestern Pennsylvania program, Standing Firm, is bringing awareness to the problem of partner violence and its effects on business. Standing Firm’s mission is to “engage a critical mass of employers in Southwestern PA in addressing partner violence as a workplace and workforce issue.”
Data shows that partner violence incurs high costs medical care for employers along with the ever-present safety concerns:

The health related costs to employers of rape; physical assault, stalking, and homicide by intimate partners exceed 5.8 billion each year. Also, violence against women costs companies $727.8 million annually due to lost productivity.

These are the important issues Standing Firm seeks to address. They provide various resources for employers and victims. These resources include things such as templates for constructing office policies, and extensive information on procedures involving partner violence. In addition, they provide extensive contact to outside groups who have worked on the issue of intimate partner violence. It’s free and easy for companies and organizations to join, and opens the door for even more resources. Thanks Standing Firm, and keep up the good work!