As we blogged here on July 26th, there has been a record number of anti-abortion bills introduced in state legislatures across the country, and Pennsylvania is no exception.  In the first six months of 2011, Pennsylvania lawmakers spent 30% of their days at the Capitol working to restrict access to safe, legal abortion.  In response to these attacks on women, Pennsylvanians for Choice and Raising Women’s Voices Southeastern PA have organized the “We’ve Had Enough Rally” scheduled for September 27th in Harrisburg.  The rally is a chance for allies from across the state to say “We’ve had enough” of these legislative attacks on women!
When the Pennsylvania Legislature returns from its summer recess in September, the two bills most likely to come up for an immediate vote are HB 574 and SB 732.  According to the Women’s Law Project “either bill will cause a public health catastrophe.”
The rally message is clear– We’ve Had Enough — We’ve had enough of a state legislature that ignores the real suffering of women due to a failing economy and a sluggish recovery that has not produced jobs for women; from widespread wage discrimination; from harassment, violence, and abuse; from hunger and poverty; from lack of health care; from a lack of affordable housing and transportation; and from inadequate support for their family responsibilities.
Please signup for the We’ve Had Enough Rally on September 27th in Harrisburg to protect women’s access to reproductive health care services.  Also checkout the We’ve Had Enough website and add your picture to the growing number of supporters.  You can also follow rally updates on Twitter.