Pennsylvania’s women deserve to have maternity coverage in their health insurance.  Individual health insurance policies often do not cover maternity care, leaving many women at risk of having inadequate or no insurance when they become pregnant.  Furthermore, pregnant women applying for health insurance are denied maternity coverage because pregnancy is considered a “pre-existing condition.”  Currently, there is no law ensuring maternity benefits to women in Pennsylvania who purchase an individual policy of insurance.  The Affordable Care Act, which will not be fully implemented until 2014, assuming the United States Supreme Court does not overturn the law, may address these gaps in the law, but women need coverage now.  SB 1063 and HB 1957 would ensure that coverage.
It is important for the Pennsylvania General Assembly to hold public hearings on these bills.  Please urge Senator White and Representative Micozzie to move forward with these pieces of legislation:

Chair, House Insurance Committee: Nicholas Micozzie, 717-783-8808
Chair, Senate Baking & Insurance Committee: Donald White, 717-772-1589

For more information, see our post, Pennsylvania: Stop Insurers from Denying Essential Maternity Coverage to Women.