On May 17, the Bucks County Women’s Advocacy Coalition will honor WLP Executive Director Carol E. Tracy with the Nancy P. Morrill Award for outstanding legal work advancing women’s rights. The Nancy P. Morrill Award is named after the founder of the Bucks County Women’s Advocacy Coalition, and is awarded to an exemplary advocate and
organization that embodies and champions the vision and mission of our Coalition.
“This year, the Board of the BCWAC voted to give this award to the Women’s Law Project and you for your leadership, integrity, collaboration, courage, and advocacy to promote gender equity and economic security for women in Pennsylvania. You and your
extraordinary and dedicated staff, are a trusted resource for our advocacy at the grassroots. Daily you truly make a difference in the lives of women and girls, raise the level of awareness of need in Pennsylvania, and connect organizations across the state through the Pennsylvania Campaign for Women’s Health.”
Carol will deliver a keynote address at the BCWAC’s annual “Call to Action” meeting at the James-Lorah Memorial Home in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
The Bucks County Women’s Advocacy Coalition envisions a socially just and respectful society invested in a common good to achieve the full potential of individuals, families, and the community. They educate and advocate on behalf of women to promote systemic change to achieve gender equity and economic security for all.
We are proud to partner with BCWAC in the Pennsylvania Campaign for Women’s Health, a collaboration of more than 55 local, state and national organizations calling for evidence-based policies to improve women’s health and economic security.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
4:00 p.m.— 6:00 p.m
James-Lorah Memorial Home
132 North Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901
Please note: Free parking is available in the Bucks County Parking Garage located on Broad Street, with additional entrances on Union and Doyle Streets.
We will cover highlights of the event on twitter @WomensLawProj. Check out more public events with the Women’s Law Project here.
The Women’s Law Project is the only public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing the rights of women and girls.
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We are a non-profit organization. Please consider supporting equal rights for women and girls by making a one-time donation or scheduling a monthly contribution.