Do you know a persister? A woman who kept going, against the odds, and despite all the obstacles in her way?
Do you know someone leading the resistance, a person who is determined to stand up to the attacks against women, people of color, immigrants and people with disabilities by misogynist white supremacists?

Do you know a woman who has persisted?

Maybe it’s your mom, who somehow managed to work and raise you right. Or an aunt, or your sister, or best friend—or someone you met since the election that has inspired you or even helped show you how to make your voice heard. Maybe you have been most inspired by role models such as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or Little League pitcher Mo’Ne Davis, or NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson.
We invite you to honor the PerSister (or PerSisters!) in your life with a donation of $25.00 or more to the Women’s Law Project.
We are a non-profit organization that relies on grants and individual donations. We need your support in order to continue our work, including:  

  • Expanding our work addressing sexual harassment and sexual assault
  • Improving police and prosecutor response to domestic violence and sexual assault
  • Defending and expanding the rights of pregnant women and nursing mothers in the workplace
  • Providing expert pro bono legal representation for abortion providers
  • Defending buffer zones designed to protect patients and doctors at abortion care facilities
  • Litigating on behalf of female student athletes
  • Drafting legislation to address pay discrimination
  • Fighting gender and sex discrimination in healthcare
  • Writing and delivering expert testimony at local and state legislative hearings
  • Assessing legislation for its impact on women and girls
  • Co-leading the Pennsylvania Campaign for Women’s Health
  • Acting as the legal watchdogs for women and girls in Pennsylvania

Click here to Honor a PerSister
If you include an address, we will send the PerSister you honor a note letting her know about the gift. We will also acknowledge all PerSister Honorees submitted by noon on Friday, December 1 at our upcoming fundraiser gala in Philadelphia that evening. The theme of this year’s party, you guessed it, is Nevertheless, She Persisted. We hope to see you there, too!
The Women’s Law Project is a public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing the rights of women and girls.
Sign up for WLP’s Action Alerts here. Stay up to date on issues and policy by subscribing to our blog, following us on twitter and liking us on Facebook
We are a non-profit organization. Please consider supporting equal rights for women and girls by making a one-time donation or scheduling a monthly contribution.
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.