Do you have tickets to our annual Philadelphia party yet?

We hope you plan to join us at the Academy of Natural Sciences on November 30. This party is our biggest event of the year. We always look forward to meeting new supporters, networking, and seeing old friends.

As a public interest (read: nonprofit) legal organization, we count on it to support our legal work strategically protecting Pennsylvania women and LGBTQ people from both the regressive federal agenda coming out of Washington, DC and the extremist leaders of the Pennsylvania Legislature. We count on it to support our pro bono legal representation of abortion providers across Pennsylvania, our nationally recognized project to hold police accountable for properly investigating sex crimes, and our work in the courts fighting to protect transgender students, pregnant people, and women in the workplace.

If you pay attention to the news, you already know that we need your support more than ever to preserve hard-won rights while fighting to securing new ones. We know we need all hands on deck. This is why we’ve decided to offer a $50 ticket option this year so the party can be more accessible and inclusive of people whose commitment to social justice is bigger than their budget.

If you are already planning to come to the party, please invite friends and let them know about the new Social Justice Ticket, or consider sponsoring an artist or activist friend by purchasing one of these tickets for them.

As always, our party will be a family-friendly evening of cocktails, delicious food and old and new friends.

Go here to register and purchase tickets, and let us and your friends know you are coming by joining our Facebook event.

It’s been a long year. We look forward to seeing you.

The Women’s Law Project is a public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing the rights of women and girls.

Sign up for WLP’s Action Alerts here. Follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook

We are a non-profit organization. Please consider supporting equal rights for women and girls by making a one-time donation or scheduling a monthly contribution.