Pennsylvania is slowly re-opening and workers understandably have questions about their rights as they’re called back to share a workplace amid coronavirus.

  • Am I qualified for paid sick leave?
  • Do you have to return to work if I have an underlying condition that makes me particularly vulnerable for coronavirus? What if I share my house with someone who is vulnerable?
  • Is my employer allowed to take my temperature to screen me for COVID-19 before I enter the building?

These are just a few of the questions we have been hearing from our supporters.

In response, we organized and hosted a free webinar to help answer these questions, guide you on taking action if necessary, and give tips for navigating potential conflicts. In this webinar, we also reviewed existing laws protecting workers across Pennsylvania, clarified employers’ responsibilities and employees’ rights, and conducted a public Q&A related to laboring amid coronavirus.

Another webinar in this series focused on paid sick leave and paid family leave is posted online here.

You can review and amplify this twitter thread where we posted highlights from the webinar in the real time.

For additional resources, check WLP’s COVID-19 page.

If you are a low-income worker or student and you are facing sexual harassment, we offer free information through our MeTooPA project. If you need help, call us and leave a message at 412.281.2892.

Thank you to our partners in this webinar series: Pathways PA, MomsRising, Pittsburgh United, Women & Girls Foundation, and The Family Care Act coalition.

The Women’s Law Project is a public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing and defending the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.

May 2020: Our physical offices are still closed due to the pandemic but we are OPEN and working to serve your needs. Contact us hereSign up for WLP’s Action Alerts. Stay up to date by following us on twitter,  Facebook, and Instagram

We are a non-profit organization. Please consider making a one-time donation or scheduling a monthly contribution.