Carol E. Tracy began her tenure as Executive Director of Women’s Law Project in 1990.
From the desk of WLP Executive Director Carol E. Tracy:
I have had the honor and privilege of leading the Women’s Law Project – a historic, dynamic, creative, lean, powerhouse organization – for the last 31 years of its 47-year history.
I’m writing to personally share the news that I will be stepping down as Executive Director in June 2022.
It’s time for me to move on, and for the organization to move into the future. You will learn more about the search for my successor in the coming weeks.
There is so much to say about all of the critical work we’ve all accomplished together and about the work that you, our supporters, our amazing staff, and the people of Pennsylvania will lead in the next chapter of the Women’s Law Project.
As for me, I look forward to sharing my post-retirement plans with you when the time is right. For now, I want to thank you for the privilege of a lifetime, and for the work you have made possible, work that has helped improve, change, and save lives.
I’ll be honest: It isn’t easy to leave this work while our rights are so viciously under attack and the future so unclear. But if my 31 years leading the Women’s Law Project has taught me anything, it’s that we are truly all in this together.
I have full confidence that with your support, my staff, our board, and the incoming executive director will be able to do what we’ve always done: find the vision to re-imagine the future, the courage to challenge the powers that be, and the stamina to never, ever back down.
Support Our Leadership Transition by Matching a $100,000 Challenge
To that end, I am pleased to announce the creation of a new fund to support the leadership transition at help launch the Women’s Law Project into the future.
To support this vision, generous donors and board members have joined together to set up a $100,000 Challenge to be matched by donations from the rest of our allies. In other words, every contribution is doubled, and if we can raise $100,000, we will receive $200,000 in support our transition. To contribute, please click here.
This is a critical moment for both WLP and the gender justice movement at large. As a person who has witnessed many ups and downs over years full of many victories, and inevitable setbacks, I assure you it’s going to be quite a ride.
So, please stick with us as the Women’s Law Project moves into the next chapter with new energy and fresh focus, and we thank you for any support you can give as we bravely re-invent ourselves to meet the challenges of the future, once again, together.
Carol E. Tracy
Women’s Law Project is a public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing and defending the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond. As a non-profit organization, we can not do this work without you. Please consider supporting our work.
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November 2021: Our physical offices are still closed but we are OPEN and working to serve your needs. Contact us here.