Our judiciary is under attack again. Will you speak up to save our courts?

After months of silence, we just got word that extremist Pennsylvania lawmakers abruptly scheduled the judicial gerrymandering constitutional amendment bill (HB 38 – Diamond) for debate and possible vote tomorrow (Wednesday, January 12).

This proposed constitutional amendment is an attack on the independence of our state’s highest courtsEssentially, these state legislators are trying to seize power to manipulate how voters can choose judges, giving themselves too much influence over the branch of government that rules on the constitutionality and meaning of the legislation they pass.

This is nothing short of a hostile takeover of our courts and we need to stop it.

Even if you have already taken action, please write or call your state representative again right now by using this online tool and then please ask 5 friends to do so as well.

Our democracy is already fragile – failing to stop this cynical power grab would make it worse.

Women’s Law Project is a public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing and defending the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond. As a non-profit organization, we can not do this work without you. Please consider supporting our work.

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