2023-2024 Policy Agenda
We advocate for proactive state policies to advance gender justice and against regressive policy proposals that endanger our health, safety, privacy, and economic security.

We strongly support these proactive state bills:
The Family Care Act (HB 181 / D-Miller) would establish a paid family medical leave program in Pennsylvania.
The Advanced Practice Clinician bill would expand abortion access.
The Reproductive Liberty Constitutional Amendment (HB 1888 – D-Otten) would embed the principle of personal reproductive liberty right in our Constitution’s Declaration of Rights.
The PA Fairness Act (HB 300 / D-Kenyatta) would enshrine LGBTQIA+ protections into state law.
Expanding Access to Contraceptives (HB 1140 / D-Krueger) promotes equitable, confidential access to affordable contraception.
Protecting Pregnant, Lactating and Parenting Students (HB 994 / D-Isaacson) would provide reasonable accommodations to express breast milk or breastfeed children without penalty.
The Abortion Protections Package would protect our safety, privacy, and reproductive freedom.
Pennsylvania Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (SB 995 / D-Cappelletti) would supplement and expand protections for pregnant workers in the federal PWFA. The state version would apply to smaller employers (with 1 or more employees), and it includes preliminary injunctive relief.
Shackling Pregnant People Ban (SB 994 / D-Cappelletti) would prohibit the practice of shackling pregnant people who are incarcerated.
Banning Nonconsensual Pelvic Exams (HB 507 / D-Fielder, D-Hanbidge) would ban nonconsensual pelvic, rectal, and prostate exams.
- Governor Shapiro signed HB 507 into law November 2023.

Proposed state legislation we strongly oppose:
HB 216 targets transgender & gender-expansive kids to restrict sports participation.
HB 319 is Pennsylvania’s version of the notorious “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
HB 320 would ban abortion at approximately six weeks.
HB 138 targets physicians who provide gender-affirming care.
HB 753 would mandate doctors administer unnecessary medicine during an abortion or miscarriage management.
SB 7 seeks to identify “sexually explicit content” to ban books.
SB 515 would convert a program intended to support sexual assault survivors into a reporting program likely to deter young people from seeking medical care.

Fact sheets & reports:
2023-2024 Key Opportunities & Threats
Abortion Law & Access in Pennsylvania
Designed to Deceive: A Study of the Crisis Pregnancy Center Industry in Nine States
Know Your Rights: Judicial Bypass in Pennsylvania
Judicial Bypass: Scheduling Your Appointment & Avoiding Unnecessary Delays
Desvío Judicial: Programar una cita y evitar demoras innecesarias
Get in the KNOW About CPCs: University of Pittsburgh (trifold brochure: Page 1 Cover + Page 2 interior)