Christine Castro leads Women’s Law Project’s youth access initiative and judicial bypass team.
We’re thrilled to share the news that WLP attorney Christine Castro is being honored as one of the “Women Leading the 175th.” This award recognizes exceptional women living or working in the 175th legislative district, chosen by Pennsylvania Rep. Mary Isaacson, advocates, and community leaders.
Christine’s critical legal work has improved the lives of families across Pennsylvania. While she serves as counsel on major impact litigation such as Allegheny Reproductive Health Services v. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, the lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s discriminatory ban on Medicaid coverage of abortion argued before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court last fall, Christine’s passionate work often takes place behind the scenes providing pro bono counsel to young people in court and leading statewide efforts to improve the judicial bypass system.
You can learn more about judicial bypass in Pennsylvania here and listen to Christine discuss her work here.
“Our lawmakers have targeted young people, using them as test balloons in their campaign to eliminate everyone’s reproductive autonomy,” says Susan J. Frietsche, interim executive co-director. “With critical foresight, Christine developed a project to mitigate that harm and protect young people’s rights. That is exactly the kind of vision that defines a leader.”
As Youth Access Manager, Christine strategically threads her advocacy through disparate systems of medicine and law in ways that center and serve each client while improving the process for young people broadly. Christine also leads WLP’s growing Judicial Bypass team, develops and conducts trainings, and works to inform young people how to exercise their rights amid significant opposition efforts to deprive them of reproductive autonomy.
Congratulations to Christine, and all of this year’s honorees!
Women’s Law Project is a non-profit public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing and defending the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
Please consider supporting our work by making a donation. We are also seeking sponsors for our upcoming Rights to Realities party in Pittsburgh on June 9.
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