First, abortion is legal and accessible in Pennsylvania. No laws have changed or will change in Pennsylvania in the immediate future.

About the election results, we are right here with you. It is unfathomable for so many reasons. We won’t sugarcoat it – our mission of advancing reproductive rights, LGBTQIA+ equality, and gender equality and justice just got a lot harder.

The work is difficult, and it is personal.

My staff and I bring our identities and experiences to our mission. We pour the love and concern we have for our loved ones with marginalized identities into this work, our client relationships, and long nights researching and drafting legal briefs.

That doesn’t stop.

We aren’t going anywhere.

There is no easy answer to what’s next, but we want you to know we are here for you. We are with you.

We will do what we’ve done for 50 years: Analyze the ever-shifting landscape and develop legal strategies to advance equality and protect more marginalized people while providing direct assistance for Pennsylvanians facing discrimination.

Today, we mourn.

Tomorrow, we will fight again.

As for right now, as I open this next chapter and schedule my first meeting with staff to strategize our pivots and discuss urgent priorities, I couldn’t be more grateful to be doing this work and to be in the fight with you.


Sue Frietsche

Executive Director