This week, President Obama demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that the needs of women and girls are met during his term in office. He named Melanne Verveer as ambassador-at-large for international women’s issues in the State Department, and he created a White House Council on Women and Girls.
Ms. Verveer previously worked in the Clinton White House as an aide to President Clinton and chief of staff to Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has been an advocate for women’s rights for years, working to establish the president’s Interagency Council on Women and serving as co-founder, chair and co-CEO of Vital Voices Global Partnership, which invests in emerging women leaders.
The White House Council on Women and Girls is charged with “provid[ing] a coordinated federal response to the challenges confronted by women and girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies consider how their policies and programs impact women and families,” according to the Washington Post.

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