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Court Ruling: Hobby Lobby Cannot Deny Contraceptive Coverage to its Employees

By Amal Bass, WLP Staff Attorney On November 19, 2012, an Oklahoma federal court denied Hobby Lobby’s motion for a preliminary injunction, telling the business and its co-plaintiff (Mardel, another business owned by the same family trust) that they would be unlikely...

Courts Come to Different Decisions on the ACA’s Provision Requiring Some Employers to Cover Contraception

Mary Pat Dwyer, WLP Law Intern Two federal district court judges ruled recently on claims regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provision which requires that employers providing health insurance to their employees cover reproductive health services, including birth...

A Lawsuit in Federal Court Seeks to Lift the Obama Administration’s Emergency Contraception Decision

A federal district court in New York is considering “whether to force the federal government to lift the age restrictions on over-the-counter sale of emergency contraceptives.” This lawsuit, brought by the Center for Reproductive Rights, alleges that the Food and Drug...