Today is AANHPI Equal Pay Day

  Today is AANHPI’s Equal Pay Day, a day that we call for action on equal pay legislation while focusing on the wage gaps experienced by Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander women. In 2021, AANHPI women working full-time year-round, part-time,...

Today is Latina Equal Pay Day

Today is equal pay day for Latinas. Last week was equal pay day for Native American women. And equal pay day for Black women was before that, in September. You may be wondering why there are so many equal pay days. The answer is that the gender wage gap only...

Today is Native American Women’s Equal Pay Day 

On average, Native American women are paid only 51 cents to every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. This wage gap includes both full-time, year-round workers and as part-time workers. Nearly three out of ten Native American women worked frontline jobs through...

The Wage Gap for Black Women Got Worse

Today is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, marking the date that Black women have to work into the new year to finally catch up to what white, non-Hispanic men earned last year. Taking into account all Black women workers, including full-time, part-time, and part-year...