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Child Support

Establishing Paternity in PA

To get child support from a child’s father, the child and the father must have a legal relationship. If you were not married when your child was born, you must go through a court process to complete this step.  Learn more here:

Domestic Violence, TANF, and Child Support in PA

If you receive TANF (cash assistance) in PA, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services will file for child support for you.  You have certain rights if you or your children would be at risk for future harm by your filing for child support.  Learn more about your rights and responsibilities here:

Domestic Violence and Welfare Requirements for Child Support

Filing for Child Support in PA

 Child Support in Philadelphia: Where to Start

 Child Support in Allegheny County : Where to Start

 Enforcing Child Support in PA

You must go to your county Domestic Relations Section to enforce your order.  Learn where to go here. The court has many tools.  For example, it can take child support out of the wages of the person who owes it.  It can intercept tax refunds.  It can hold hearings.  It can put the person who owes support in jail.  It has other options too.