WLP is a nonprofit public interest legal organization working to defend and advance the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
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New Rules to Protect Tipped Workers in PA
New rules governing tipped wages go into effect across Pennsylvania on Friday, August 5. The new rules are designed to prevent businesses from deducting credit card fees from employee tips, change how hourly wages are determined, and revise how tips can be pooled and...
WLP Statement on Pennsylvania Double-Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers With Money Designated to Help Poor Children
Pennsylvania double-funds crisis pregnancy center network Real Alternatives amid maternal health crisis without addressing public complaints alleging misuse of public funds or impact on public health As reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Commonwealth of...
WLP Statement on Governor Wolf’s Lawsuit Against the General Assembly
Governor Wolf is suing the General Assembly for advancing SB 106 and the No Right to Abortion amendment in an unconstitutional process . Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is suing the Pennsylvania General Assembly for what he called “their unconstitutional attempt to ban...
50 Years After Passage, Implementation of Title IX is Still a Battleground
June 23, 2022 was the 50th anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in federally-funded educational programs and requires schools to give women and girls equal opportunities and benefits. There has...
Post-Roe PA: Pittsburgh Passes Legislation to Protect Abortion Access
In a seven to zero unanimous vote, Pittsburgh’s City Council has approved legislation to ensure abortion rights. “Pittsburgh is truly out in front of the pack by adopting these bills,” says interim Co-Executive Director of the Women’s Law Project Sue Frietsche. The...