WLP is a nonprofit public interest legal organization working to defend and advance the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
We are available to help,
Today is, Once Again, Equal Pay Day
Earnings listed are compared to every dollar made by a white non-Hispanic man. Data is from National Women’s Law Center, based on 2019 (that is, pre-COVID-19) earnings. Fifty-eight years after President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into federal law, we...
7PM TONIGHT: Vigil for Victims of Georgia Shootings in Solidarity with AAPI Community
Our heart goes out to the AAPI community in the wake of the horrific spa massacre in Georgia and the loved ones of the victims. We know white supremacy, anti-Asian racism, and sexism are at the root of this tragedy and the spike in harassment and violence against...
Talking with an Abortion Provider Counselor about Her Typical Day
Today is Abortion Provider Appreciation Day! Have you thanked an abortion provider yet? We appreciate the work of abortion providers—we mean physicians of course, but all kinds of staff that work at healthcare facilities that provide abortion care identify as abortion...
WLP Files Brief in Title IX Case Arguing Dating Violence is a Form of Sex-Based Harassment
Attorneys at the Women’s Law Project and Public Justice filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in a Title IX case called Hall v. Millersville University. Our brief supporting Hall argues that an...
On International Women’s Day, Calling Out Pennsylvania’s Shameful Neglect of Pregnant People
On International Women’s Day, the Women’s Law Project proudly joined the bipartisan bicameral Women’s Health Caucus of the Pennsylvania General Assembly this afternoon as they announced an evidence-based legislative agenda to protect and expand the rights, health, and...