WLP is a nonprofit public interest legal organization working to defend and advance the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
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WLP Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Victory in June Medical Abortion Rights Case
The U.S. Supreme Court did its job today and upheld clear precedent. In a 5-4 opinion written by Justice Stephen Breyer, the Court knocked down a Louisiana “admitting privileges” abortion restriction that in Breyer’s words is “almost word-for-word identical” to the...
Court Orders ‘Real Alternatives’ to Reveal Hidden Records, Discovers Clients’ Privacy Violated
Real Alternatives, the faith-based organization based in Pennsylvania that routinely receives millions of dollars from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), has a track record of aggressively resisting attempts to be held accountable for how they spend...
Philadelphia City Council Punts on Public Health Emergency Leave
Earlier this week, WLP Managing Attorney Terry L. Fromson testified on behalf of Women’s Law Project and Community Legal Services to express strong support for Philadelphia City Council Bill Number 200303, otherwise known as Public Health Emergency Leave. The bill...
Equal Pay is a Racial Justice Issue
American women overall are paid only 80 cents to every dollar a man takes home, and the wage gap gets worse when factoring in race—and even wider when you add motherhood as a factor in addition to gender and race. Here in Pennsylvania, Black moms only make 55 percent...
In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, the Women’s Law Project is closed today in observance of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 that Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas with news the war was over and the people who had been...