WLP is a nonprofit public interest legal organization working to defend and advance the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
We are available to help,
WLP Argues Berks Family Residential Center is Responsible for Sexual Abuse of Detainees
Women’s Law Project and partner organizations filed an amicus curiae brief supporting a young woman who was sexually assaulted by a detention center counselor while detained at the Berks Family Residential Center. The case will decide if the Center and staff who knew...
WLP Files Brief Supporting Philadelphia’s Defense of Prior Wage Equal Pay Ordinance
Attorneys at the Women’s Law Project authored and filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the City of Philadelphia in an ongoing legal challenge to the city’s prior wage equal pay ordinance. The ordinance, adopted in 2017, prohibits employers from relying on...
Protect Healthcare Access in PA by Urging Your State Senator to OPPOSE HB2138
We're nearing the end of the Pennsylvania Legislature's two-year session, which means that we are watching a last-minute effort to rush a series of bad bills into law (and waiting, and calling for, any of the dozens of bills that would actually improve lives of...
Pennsylvania is Trying to Go Backward & You Can Help Stop It
We urge you to speak up against state Senate Bill 6. You may remember us telling you about this bad bill last year. Now, lawmakers are preparing to vote on this bill in the House. The vote could be as early as Tuesday, October 9. What does SB6 do? In short, Senate...
There’s Still Time to Urge PA Senators to Oppose Kavanaugh
From the beginning, we strongly opposed the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Our reasons for opposing Kavanaugh are detailed in this open letter we sent to U.S. Senators earlier this month. Our opposition has only intensified over the...