WLP is a nonprofit public interest legal organization working to defend and advance the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people in Pennsylvania and beyond.
We are available to help,
Summer at the Women’s Law Project
We hope you enjoyed your summer. It’s been tough, but the urgency of the work that lies ahead finds us heading into autumn full of energy and optimism. We’ve been preparing litigation, drafting briefs, testifying at policy hearings, organizing in our communities, and...
General Assistance: Do You Qualify? What You Need to Know
General Assistance (GA) is a cash assistance program that provides a minimal income support for desperately poor individuals with serious disabilities, people fleeing domestic violence, and individuals in active drug treatment for limited periods of time. The...
Pass SB 942: Redemption for Survivors of Abuse Serving Life Without Parole
Pennsylvania is one of seven states and DC where women who kill their abusers may be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole, except in the rare case of a gubernatorial pardon. All life sentences in Pennsylvania are imposed without the possibility of...
After Losing 5 Federal Lawsuits, Trump Admin Resumes Funding Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just announced it will resume grants for groups working to prevent teen pregnancies, a reversal from last year's sudden announcement that it would abruptly end the program. The Obama-era Teen Pregnancy Prevention...
WLP Joins Brief Defending Immigrant Minors’ Right to Abortion
You may remember the case: A young pregnant immigrant woman called Jane Doe wanted an abortion, but officials at the Trump Administration's Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) tried to unconstitutionally block her from obtaining one. ORR officials forced this young...